In a way, starting a blog page is a huge commitment. When you think about the people who will read it and comment on it, it's a heady responsibility just to keep the thing updated. More than likely, one good post will go up, and then the entire thing will be forgotten. Well, we thought a blog would be a good thing for our ghost hunting endeavors. Why? Well, personally, I think it's good to have a narrative synopsis of our trips out. We publish bits and pieces on our Facebook page, but in the end, it's just not enough.
So then, we're starting a blog. Since we've never done a blog before, this will be a challenge in and of itself. I think reading about our adventures will be a good thing, and it will give a chance for more feedback and commentary. More importantly, it will be a useful record-keeping tool. This December marks the one year anniversary of the creation of the Paranormal Investigation Society of Tennessee, and while some of our trips out have resulted in little evidence being captured, we're still learning and experimenting, and getting a little better every time we go out.
Bear with us and keep following our postings. We always appreciate it when people comment on the stuff we're doing, even if it's just to say we're crazy.
Behold, the first blog post is complete. I hope this isn't going to be the "one good post. . ."